Dahn in July 2022
Rural Judaism in the Wasgau – Cattle buyers and Jewish butchers in Dahn
1994 by Otmar Weber Translated by Peter Blystone, Arizona & Peter Levy, NY
At the turn of the century there were four Jewish cattle buyers in Dahn. (1) Two of them also ran a kosher butcher shop. They were Halfen & Oppenheimer in Marktstraße 20 and 22, and Jakob Levy, with his son Sally, in Schäfergasse 9. The Jewish butchers had their large livestock (cattle and calves) butchered in a Christian butcher’s slaughterhouse. The butcher was usually also the Jewish teacher. In Dahn, the Jewish teacher had to perform this job, which was assigned to him for a fixed fee when he took office as a teacher at the Israelite school. Before World War I, the teacher was Feibelmann, and until World War I, teacher Haas worked as a shepherd (Schechet).
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© Arbeitskreis Judentum im Wasgau, Otmar Weber, Schillerstrasse 10b, 66994 Dahn