Dahn in May 2016
The Fate of Kurt/Claude Levy From Busenberg
2016 by Otmar Weber - Translated by Peter Blystone, Arizona
Kurt Levy, born on 07/16/1930 in Busenberg, was the son of a cattle dealer Leo Issak Levy (born on 05/12/1900) from Busenberg, living at Kirchstraße 4, and his wife Carola Meta, née Löb. His mother was born on 10.13.1904 in Schifferstadt and married Leo Isaak on 03.09.1928. They also had a daughter Hannah Barbara, named Hannele, on 09. 27.1935. On 01.10.1938 the Leo Levy family, was forced to leave Busenberg under (red zone) invasion relocation orders. Kurt moved with his parents, his sister and grandmother Rosa Levy, née Schwarz, to his mother's hometown in Schifferstadt, Bahnhofstraße 48. Five weeks after their arrival, they experienced the "Reichskristallnacht" in Schifferstadt. Their furniture, which they brought with them from Busenberg and stored in the synagogue, served as kindling for the synagogue fire. Leo Levy was arrested and taken to the Dachau concentration camp for interrogation and intimidation along with many Jewish men. On February 9, 1939, as the eldest son, Kurt was sent by his family from Schifferstadt to Wissembourg, Alsace to live with his great uncle Julius Schwarz. Here Kurt was given a new French name Claude by his "second mother" Emmy Schwarz, which he still bears today. Emmy Schwarz, daughter of Julius Schwarz, was a dentist in Karlsruhe and later in Limoges/France, where she remained after the war.
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© Arbeitskreis Judentum im Wasgau, Otmar Weber, Schillerstrasse 10b, 66994 Dahn