Dahn in October 2022
The Life of Lore Katz – A Jewish Woman from Dahn
By Otmar Weber Translated by Carol Buterbaugh, Philadelphia/USA - 2022
Lore Katz was deported along with her parents from Ludwigshafen/Rh. to the Gurs internment camp in southern France on October 22, 1940. She survived the Holocaust, but the experiences of those terrible years were indelibly etched into her memory. Lore Wertheimer, née Katz, with whom we had been in correspondence since 1987, invited us to the synagogue in Mannheim on the occasion of a home reunion of her husband, Fred Wertheimer, in 1991. We were warmly and unreservedly received. From the beginning there was a relaxed and cordial atmosphere. After the synagogue service, which we attended together, the questions about former friends came immediately. Are they still alive? What is the situation in Dahn today? This report is based on many intensive conversations.
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© Arbeitskreis Judentum im Wasgau, Otmar Weber, Schillerstrasse 10b, 66994 Dahn